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Visual appearance of the product at the POS

Do you really know how your product is displayed at the point of sale? Dirty, wrinkled, damaged packaging and with torn labels turn customers away from your brand.
Through the Product Visual Appearance audit, we analyze the packaging appearance  directly at the point of sale with an assertive checklist designed to identify non-conformities of your product on the market. Crushed cans, torn labels, dirty plastic packaging and even damaged products are often found at points of sale.
With this program, we are able to identify where your product is losing ground to the competition and the possibilities for improvements that should be worked on.

Contact / WhatsApp: 55 21 98084-5566We have the solution you need for your business! 

Where are we

Rua Pereira Nunes, 388 - store A - Vila Isabel - Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brazil

(21) 2254-0006

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